Check how much money you could get when you retire


Use the benefit projectors in your pension account to find out how much you could get when you retire. The projectors are in the pension benefits section of your dashboard. With the voluntary retirement projector, you can find out what affect the following has on your annual pension. Changing:

  • the date you retire
  • how much your salary increases by
  • your pay
  • the lump sum you want to take

You may have another LGPS pension with a different Pension Fund that you’re no longer paying into. Please contact them to find out how much pension you could get.

State Pension

Most people will also get a State Pension. You can find out how much this could be on GOV.UK

Old pensions

Can you remember where you were working 10, 20 or even 30 years ago? You may have moved house several times since then and forgotten to let your pension provider know. If you’ve lost track of your old pensions you can use the Pension Tracing Service.